FEM LLC provides service and installation of an ultramodern and state-of-art surveillance system to its valued clients.

Normally, people assume after installation, that all the work on the surveillance system has been completed –all the specifications have been followed, but there should be few things you need to consider seriously – the maintenance. What exactly is maintenance? It involves keeping the workplace, infrastructure, equipment and other things in efficient working condition. It may include scheduled inspection and repairs so that it can make sure everything is working fine. Why maintenance is so important to an organization?  The lack of it may lead to any potentially dangerous situations. It’s the thing that most of the organizations fail to notice. Having a successful installation does not finish your job, but to make the system trouble free, producing the expected results as always is critical as far as an organization is considered. If you are so meticulous about a flawless and total monitoring always, then it would be good to consider a complete care for your CCTV security systems. The CCTV maintenance is just like any other maintenance to the electrical or IT infrastructure or other services in a company.

There are many benefits to our CCTV maintenance contracts. As to prevent any issues, our well experts who are familiar with the environment, on-site procedures and principles and system overview will fix the glitch in one visit only to decrease the disruption. Some of the highlights and specialties of our maintenance includes service coverage across all emirates, regular maintenance inspection suitable to your timing, devoted service desk, extensive maintenance contract checkup covering all your security systems and the highly trained service engineers. So now you have reasons to select us for a comprehensive CCTV security installation and CCTV maintenance in Abu Dhabi. We deal with the worlds most trusted and branded security products including the leading names such as Hikvision, Dahua, Grandstream, Bosch, CP Plus, Samsung, Axis, Vivotek etc.


Having protected and serviced the industries in ABUDHABI, we are highly experienced at providing total maintenance care plan to meet your explicit security needs. As an experienced provider in the surveillance industry, you can expect the highest level of response to any of the security system issues. The maintenance starts with a proper planning and is carried out with the maintenance responsibilities. But no matter how you plan to maintain the systems, it’s a must do to protect your security systems. Bottom line, once you have the CCTV surveillance up and running, you simply can’t sit back and monitor the activities. To be more successful and make sure all things work well as time goes, it needs to be incrementally enhanced over time for the highest reliability and sustainability. What it needs is an expert CCTV maintenance provider. Being the most trusted and valued CCTV solution provider FEMLLC offers the highest degree of maintenance to your security systems.

Management of an efficient attendance platform for the employees is important for the effective functioning of any workplace. With GS-IT biometric attendance system, you can easily keep track of the working hours of the employees through unique fingerprint identification system and manage their attendance data efficiently.

Innovative fingerprint attendance system for businesses is failproof, smart, and cost-effective. It allows every organization to identify quickly the employees and lock out anyone with unauthorized access from entering your workplace.

Our scope of works related to surveillance systems:

  • Provides regular maintenance
  • Remote support facility provided
  • Guaranteed emergency response
  • Technical helpdesk support
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Extensive maintenance coverage for your CCTV security systems.

If you would like to know the details how we provide maintenance and support to your security systems, give us a call now. Whatever be your maintenance requirements related to surveillance systems, we are here to help and solve.